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Xiamen Amber’s Products Were Awarded “Xiamen Premium Brand”


Recently, Xiamen Municipal Government published the list of “Xiamen Premium Brands 2014” and 71 products from 64 enterprises won the award. Xiamen Amber was shortlisted for the award because of its solid strength, high-quality products and high integrity.

Brand strategy has been one of the jobs that Xiamen Municipal Government has long laid emphasis on. The in-depth implementation of the brand-driven strategy has powerfully enhanced the competiveness of enterprises. Some district governments have released supporting incentive policies to encourage the winners of “Xiamen Premium Brand” to make persistent efforts to place brand strategy on the top of agenda, take active steps to facilitate brand building, keep raising their core competence, make efforts to expand and increase their strength, try to win the quality honors of a higher level, and make more contributions to the economic development of Xiamen.