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Huabao kicks off 2021 management trainee training program


Huabao group has been recruiting talents from global univercities since Oct,2020 to meet business need by building a strong talent pipeline. 27 among 2900 candidates has joined Huabao as management trainees by now.

On Mar 18, Huabao kicked off 2021 management trainee training program and group VP Zhao Dexu attended the kickoff meeting as mentor-in-chief.

Group VP Zhao Dexu

At the meeting, Mr.Zhao introduced Huabao in a changing world and industry to the management trainees. He said that the management trainees need to be creative and confident to adapt to the changing times and seize the positive momentum. He added that Huabao provides the management trainees with strong support and good opportunites and that they need to cherish the opportunities by working hard to become pillars to make contributions to Huabao’s sustainable development.

Tang Ping, general manager of HR&Admin Dept of the group talked about the detailed plan and importance of the program with the mentors and management trainess.

Tang Ping,HR&Admin Dept GM

This program includes five stages(3 months): warmup, kickoff, learning,roation and work report.It aims to strengthen the understanding of businesses, cultural identity and professional quality of the management trainees to help them grow fast into pillars at Huabao.

management trainees

After the meeting, Mr. Zhao gave certificates of appointment to the mentors.

Certificates of appointment giving